Clan Teikke, Biu-Haran
A disgruntled machinist approaching her elder years. Biu-Haran revealed her magnum opus, a powerful loom which would do the job of several weavers in half the time. Her machines are smashed, and in the aftermath of the events of Saiverh night, she is nearly exiled. Her greatest work scorned by her city, Biu-Haran puts her remaining energy into learning the old world's tech.
Clan Kegarrh, Tseil
Tseil was born in the slaughterhouses, the trade of the Kegarrh. Once low in the city's hierarchy, the invention of the flesh-battery placed the Kegarrh in a place of precarious power. But the work of the abattoir takes a great toil on the beastfolk who work there. Tseil is a young man intent on ending this misery, the way it has always worked: slaughter.
Clan Xang, Xiwa
The Xang are a clan of soldiers occupying a fort on the edge of Tyr Sangta's northern valley. Like all Onikilder, Xiwa grew up in a fort, isolated from the lights and calamity of the city. Either by curse or misfortune, Xiwa bears a strong resemblance to the Oni's terrible ancestor, Szaten Dazha. As penance, she spent much of her young life afraid, defensive, alone in nature. Upon return from the Whaling War, she immersed herself in her work in the city's Gendarme. Now, she is the Head of Gendarme, and is ruthless in her work.
Clan Karhela, Kirha
The Karhela, much like the Xang, are an Oni war clan. Their fort lies to the south, by the marshes and the slaughterhouse. Kirha has the Ill Gift, a perverse ability to work with the dead. A twisted assault on the city of Kiva-Hei earned him both fame and infamy. He is now the Lord, or Kel, of his Clan, and mercilessly seeks out even greater fortune.
Szian is many things and none of them. She is a zhenrhen, one of the enlightened few who achieve immortality. Szian has lived dozens of lives, as peasant and empress, aspect and heretic. She is the only living Zneskild, the last remnant of a dead world, and wishes to keep it this way. Szian's great machines, toiling in the dark of the mountain, have the power to change the entire city.